Every man is torn between two needs.
The need for the Pirogue, that is to say, the journey, the wrenching away of oneself, and the need for the Tree, that is, a rooted identity.
Men constantly vacillate between these two needs, sometimes yielding to one, sometimes to the other, until the day they understand that it is with the Tree that the Pirogue is made.
This Melanesian myth carries us into its truth, allowing us to live in harmony with our values, our memory and our destiny.
Our memorable meetings over water lead us to sharing our favorites.
This selection of places, experiences and stories corresponds to the art-de-vivre that we want to highlight.

When creativity and know-how of the bay of Morlaix meet in an art of living unique 100% local, available in KER MER limited edition at ARTE DIEM for the exhibition “Glaz - O...>> VIEW MORE
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