Our Community, inspired by the cause of the oceans and the seas, is mobilized around the preservation of our humanity, rooted in Mother Nature. Our priority is the protection of plants and animals, on Earth as in the Sea, as much as the valorization of heritage and natural sites inscribed in the wealth of these territories.
Our Observation
With our planet’s increasing emphasis on productivity, the use of pesticides, insecticides and other chemicals has damaged biodiversity on the Earth, and
in turn, the quality of rivers and territorial waters (since this is where they finally wash up). Plastic and other composite materials developed by human intelligence have gradually diverted man’s interest in natural materials, devoid of harmful man-made additives.
Today we are witnessing the degradation of the environment, including the slow extinction of flora and animal species, a serious deterioration of our climate balance and an attack on the aesthetics of our natural landscapes, which represent our living heritage for all humanity, and our roots in a territory.
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Our Convictions
Artists, Creators, Industrialists, Associations and Governments are called upon to advance together. Art, Creativity, Know-how and Culture are essential vectors for this mobilization and are therefore at the heart of this movement.
Our Means
Our Community of experts supports the implementation of ambitious collaborative projects in many areas where "organic" ethics are associated with aesthetics, and pays homage to nature. It is our way of raising awareness of these vital issues, the fight against water pollution and the protection of our environment.
Our Operation
Once the project is defined, our Community analyzes the project and proposes an implementation strategy. KER MER creates and ensures the link between all of these committed decision-makers. Our Values Charter lets us move forward confidently together on the main lines of the project for the benefit of everyone.

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